Nobody can understand better than me as to what can happen if one doesn’t cleanse colon properly! Since few days, I had not been able to understand why I was not feeling my usual self. I was low on energy, had a headache off and on, witnessed quite a few types of skin allergies, and was uncomfortable due to bloating and vomiting. Despite visiting the physician and having a whole lot of medicines to cure these unexplained symptoms, I was not able to get comfortable. I was good (well, sort of) when I had the medicines given by my doctor but as soon as I stopped them, the same old things happened to me. I was completely at loss! Then, one fine day, I happened to narrate my distress to one of my friends and then she told me what can be the possible reason for my discomfort. It could be my colon which was not getting cleaned properly!
Understanding Colon and Why it Needs Extra Cleansing!
Colon is one of our body’s very friendly organ- a part of our digestive system which eliminates the wastes and toxins from our body. It also absorbs water and requisite sodium (salt) in order to maintain body’s electrolyte balance. Although regular bowel movement do flush away all the waste from our bodies, still colon needs to take a major part in eliminating body wastes which it does. However, sometimes it doesn’t function properly as a result of which certain wastes and toxins cling to the walls of our colons. This leads to various health problems including common cold, constipation, diarrhea, fatigue, headaches, allergies, indigestion, joint pains, vision problems, loss of memory as well as stress. If we are not attentive to this problem of colon not cleaning properly, it can even lead to serious diseases including liver and kidney ailments.
Colon Cleansing- the Natural Way
There is nothing very complex to be understood while referring to colon cleansing. The term itself explains what it means- cleaning the colon! To elaborate, cleaning the colon by removing the trapped wastes and toxins. There are many treatments available for colon cleansing, ranging from medicines to non-surgical methods such as enema etc. There are also these natural home and herbal remedies that are safe without any side effects!
1. Water- the magical potion
Water is the first and the basic requirement for life and so is it for colon cleansing. We need to have a lot of water during the day to keep ourselves hydrated and to keep our body organs properly functioning. So, do not deprive your colon, or for that matter any organ of your body of water. Have at least 8-10 glasses of water daily. More when you are extra active like if you play or run or work out and the like. Start your day with a glass of water. If possible have warm water mixed with lime juice squeezed out from a lemon and a teaspoon of honey first thing in the morning. This detoxifies the body and boost your metabolism as well as helps in proper bowel movement which is the pre-requisite for a healthy colon. Thereafter, have water regularly during the day.
Drinking sufficient water also stimulates the natural peristaltic action which makes your colon begin functioning in a normal manner. Along with water, you can also have other natural liquids (not colas and sodas) such as fresh fruit and vegetable juices, lemon juice, coconut water etc.
2. Apple- the nature’s doctor!
How many times have you heard, “An apple a day, keeps the doctor away!” Well, this is so true, an apple does wonders for colon cleansing too! Fresh apples as well as apple juice, all can cleanse your colon to your health’s bliss!
Have loads of Apple Juice
Start your day right away with a glass of apple juice, better if made with fresh apples just before you drink it. After this first glass of apple juice, have a full glass of water. Have apple juice at least three to four times a day. When you take this amount of apple juice and at this frequency, it encourages bowel movements and even breaks down toxins. Obviously, you won’t do it everyday but sure do it when you feel low on health and experience all those conditions for which you can’t find any reason!
If you get bored with apple juice, have some other juice in between, say prune juice or lemon juice. You can even add two tablespoons of fresh lemon juice to one glass of apple juice to alter its taste. Lemon in apple juice also thins out the mucous in your bowel. The crux is to have more of juices, a major part of which should be apple juice and lesser of solid food.
Go on a three-day apple diet!
If your condition is worse than a just uncomfortable feeling, and you think its due to toxin-ridden colon, you may as well wish to go on an apple diet for a minimum of three days! So what should you do to go on apple diet? Just have apples and nothing else other than some refined olive oil (about ½ a cup) at bedtime. You can have apples of all varieties, whole or cut or sliced, peeled or with peel, chilled or normal and even boiled (though not preferred)- but have apples only. Chew the apples properly, slowly and have lots of water too but not while eating apples. Have water half an hour before and after you eat apples. After going on this apple diet for three days, do not begin eating like anything! Start with salads and other fruits on the fourth day, the light foods and gradually move towards heavier food items but do not forget to include lots of fiber in your food.
A word of caution…
Do not just go on apple diet every seven days or whenever you wish to detox your intestine and colon! This is a rigorous (and quite boring) diet regime. Consult with your doctor first before going on this apple diet for colon cleansing and do not do it more than once in a month and a half!
[Also Read: Top 10 Home Remedies For Colon Cleansing]
3. Sea Salt – flush colon with it but cautiously
If you are a patient of high blood pressure or have some heart related medical conditions, you better avoid this remedy for colon cleansing. Even if you do it, please (please) consult your physician and only if your doctor permits then you should go for a salt water flush that too under his strict supervision.
How to do this sea salt water flush to cleanse colon? First, understand that you should have a full day with you do experiment with this remedy. You must take rest after having salt water for the day. Now to the method:
- Boil a glass of water after you get up in the morning.
- Add one tablespoon of sea salt to it and let it boil for a few more seconds.
- Now let it cool to a degree where it is warm enough to sip (like tea or coffee).
- Now sip it slowly.
- As you gradually have this salt water, you may feel mild nausea or a headache. After having this sea salt water, lie down.
- If you like, gently massage your stomach.
- In no time, you’ll feel the need for a bowel movement. All the toxins are ready to get out of your body.
- You may need to go to the toilet for quite a few times after taking this saltwater solution.
- Have rest for the day then.
- Have lots of normal water during the daytime. You may also have fresh fruit juices or other natural drinks. If you like it, you may also have some sports drink. These are essential to make up for the loss of minerals, water and electrolyte due to the salt water you have taken in the morning.
- Have light meals during the day. Some chicken soup or steamed veggies are good options for you after having a salt water flush to cleanse your colon.
Please be aware that colon cleaning is not recommended for people who suffer from weakness like that of convalescents after a serious disease. You should wait for a few weeks after your disease or till the time your weakness has gone. Then only should you cleanse colon adopting any of the remedies for it?

4. Triphala- Ayurvedic Herbal remedy for Colon Cleansing
Triphala is an amazing herbal remedy recommended by Ayurveda. Triphala is made with two terms, Tri meaning three and Phala meaning fruits. It is a fine natural laxative composed of three ingredients- Amalaki (Emblica Officinalis), Haritaki (Chebulic myrobalan), and Bhibitaki (Beleric myrobalan). Bioflavonoids, vitamin C, linoleic oil and phospholipids in Triphala promote bowel movements leading to the elimination of toxic materials from the body. As it is also high in nutrition, it is in itself capable of maintaining crucial body reserves without depleting them while eliminating toxins from the body.
Triphala can be easily found in Ayurveda health stores and even online Ayurveda products shops. Just mix a tablespoon of Triphala in a glass of water and have it in the morning to let it work throughout the day.
[Also Read: Top 10 Foods To Cleanse Colon]
5. Fruits and Vegetables high in fiber- for everyday colon cleansing
Vegetables, though don’t sound as a remedy but are a very effective one to cleanse colon without any special effort. Fibers in vegetables help in keeping stool soft and thus improve the bowel movement avoiding constipation. Fiber rich veggies and fruits actually encourage your body to expel waste products on a daily basis keeping your colon clean in a natural way. Make it a habit to have lots of fruits and vegetables in your diet. Leafy and fibrous vegetables like spinach, broccoli, peas, artichokes etc. are good for the purpose of cleaning the colon. Fruits like raspberries, apples, pears, prunes etc. are also good. So, be a fan of vegetables and fruits and stay away from any toxins that your colon may embrace in lack of such food!
please I have beeb having stomachache since 2 yrs and they said it is ulcer all drug used was in vain, what can I do?
very useful messeage thanks valga vaklamudan
yes ..very imformative ..thnx 4 sharing this..
Very very Informative Information Tips for us Thanks
You have mentioned diarrhoea as a result of an uncleansed colon,But all these tips lead to bowel movement,Isnt this contradictory?I am confused because I have been suffering from diarrhoea since the past few weeks.Should I try to clean my colon in the above mentioned ways?Thankyou.
i like ur all suggestion…. i m patient permanently of colic pain.i used ur tips and now i m ok
Informative good
Yes I have tried sea salt with water as mentioned and it really works.
avoid green & red chillies in your meals….try eating less oily food…strictly no to outside fried..n.bread items..
Thanks for the information,It will help me a lot.
Thank you
please also psyllium husk fiber. very cheap alternative but not mentioned above
thank you
Good except how do you get lime juice out of a lemon. Typo?
If possible have warm water mixed with lime juice squeezed out from a lemon and a teaspoon of honey first thing in the morning. (This would be quite the trick) Pretty sure you meant lemon juice
Yeah…it's lemon juice
Yeah…Lemon juice 😛
Yeah…Go for detoxification process
yes, you do try it. Diarrhoea is actually result of a lot of accumulation of toxin in body. Cleansing and proper bowel movement will help to discard the waste from your body.