A sunburn not only gives you an inflamed skin that itches and pains but can also bring permanent damage to your skin as well as overall health. Overexposure to sun’s ultraviolet rays gives you sunburn which may further lead to dry skin, freckles, scars, wrinkles and even skin cancer if left untreated. Does that make you worried? If yes, then relax! Grave diseases like skin cancer can only occur if you get a sunburn every now and then which means you get too much overexposed to UV rays. Having a sunburn once in a while cannot damage your health permanently but yes you must ensure that you treat your suntanned hot red painful tender skin as soon as possible and prevent yourself from getting a further sunburn with proper usage of clothing, hats, umbrellas, shades and sunscreens. And yes, you should also avoid direct sunlight till your sunburn gets healed. Getting rid of sunburn is not at all difficult. You need to note down the following home remedies for sunburn that will give you relief from all the symptoms of sunburn.
Best Home Remedies for Sunburn
1. Cool Water Treatment for Sunburn
Water is the first and the foremost remedy for immediate relief from your inflamed red skin due to sunburn. Cool water helps you reduce your skin’s swelling by pulling the heat away from your burned skin and in the process, relieves the associated pain. However, never use cold or chilled water. Too cold water constricts the blood vessels resulting in reduced blood flow which may prove to be counter-productive. Here are some ways to use water for your sunburn.
Ways to Use Water for Sunburn
- Cool Compress: Take a wash-cloth and soak it in cool water. Do not use an ice pack, cold water, or iced water to soak the cloth. Apply the wet wash-cloth directly to your skin having the sunburn and let it sit there for few minutes. Again wet the cloth and reapply for as many times as you feel like. Do this for 10-15 minutes at the most. Repeat this several times a day.
- Soak in Cool Water: Sometimes your sunburn is at places where you cannot apply a cool compress such as your back. For such a condition, you may like to soak in cool bathwater for about 10-15 minutes. Do not use soap and don’t be in the bathtub for too long as it will cause your skin go dry and lead to more itching. You may also take shower if you don’t prefer soaking.
- Drink Water: You got a sunburn which means you have been overexposed to sun and which further means that your body has become dehydrated. Drink lots of water at frequent intervals. You need to keep your body hydrated which helps your sunburn heal faster.
2. Aloe Vera for Sunburn
Aloe vera herb consists of 99% of water and the rest of the 1% is composed of about 150 minerals and trace elements like vitamins, sodiums, calcium, manganese, magnesium, copper, chrome, zinc, selenium, germanium, potassium, iron, tannins and amino acids. How can a such a rich source of water and minerals not heal your sunburn! Certain elements like selenium and tannins (tannins are astringents) are a known remedy for sunburns and are used in commercially available sunburn lotions and creams too. They are present in aloe vera in abundance. If you ever touch pure aloe vera gel, it feels soothing cool. So, it makes sense to apply aloe vera gel to your sunburn, if possible the one directly taken out of aloe leaf.
How to Use Aloe Vera Gel for Sunburn?
Get this:
- Aloe Vera Leaf (you can have a plant at home or get leaves from a herbal store)
- Knife
Do this:
- Cut a slice from the aloe vera leaf with the help of the knife.
- Using the knife again, cup opens the slice of aloe vera leaf.
- Take out some gel from within the leaf.
- Apply this cool gel to your sunburn and forget. Aloe vera gel absorbs into your skin quite rapidly and does not make you feel greasy.
- If, however, you feel sticky after the gel dries out, wash it off with some cool water.
- Reapply several times a day.
3. Apple Cider Vinegar for Sunburn
This is one of the most effective and quick remedies for sunburn. When apple cider vinegar (ACV) is applied topically for sunburn, it acts as an astringent. The work of an astringent is to shrink or constrict body tissues. Thus, it will reduce inflammation caused due to sunburn. ACV also helps in balancing the pH levels of your burned skin which means it will balance the acidity v/s alkalinity of your skin and thus promote healing. When you have a mild sunburn, you may expect to treat it just by applying apple cider vinegar once or twice. Advanced stages of sunburn may require more ACV to be applied over time.
Ways to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Sunburn
- Soak a clean washcloth in apple cider vinegar. Apply this cloth to your sunburned skin. You may feel instant relief from that stinging sensation. Let the cloth be there for a couple of minutes. As your skin gets dry after applying vinegar, moisturize it. You may use coconut oil to moisturize which is also our next remedy for sunburn.
- Add a cup of apple cider vinegar to the tub of your bath water. Soak or take bath with this water.
- Mix equal parts of ACV and water. Store the same in a spray bottle. Spray this mixture on your sunburned skin multiple times a day.
Precaution: Do not use vinegar on your skin if there is a cut or wound on it.
4. Coconut Oil for Sunburn
In some parts of the world, especially tropical regions where temperatures may rise quite higher, coconut oil is used as a sunblock. What is interesting is that this oil can also be used as a healing agent once you get a sunburn. You need to replace all the lost oils of your skin due to sunburn, as fast as possible. When you replenish the lost lipids of your skin, you also get rid of the discomfort which results from peeling and excessive dryness of your skin. Lauric acid, the fatty acid present in coconut oil, seems to be the beneficial ingredient which promotes healing of your sunburned skin. This acid is also used in many cosmetic products to prevent redness, itching, swelling and other types of skin irritation.
How to Use Coconut Oil for Sunburn?
- You just need to get plain coconut oil and rub on to your sun damaged skin. Within minutes, it will relieve the stinging and burning sensations and within some hours it may also reduce the redness and swelling of your sunburned skin.
- If you like, you may add some other ingredients to your coconut oil such as few drops of lavender oil or aloe vera gel to make it more effective.
- Rub a little amount of pure coconut oil or your mixture of coconut oil on your sunburned skin.
- The oil gets absorbed into your skin so you need not worry about washing or removing it.
- Just be careful about the stains that excessive oil may leave on your clothes.
Precaution: Do not use coconut oil just after you get the sunburn. It will trap the heat inside your skin and make it difficult to heal. Wait for about at least one day before you apply coconut oil on your sunburned skin. You should, anyway, use water as the first measure when treating sunburn.
5. Cucumber for Sunburn
The very cool cucumbers are 96% water and the rest is also a rich treasure of beneficial nutrients, mostly alkaline forming minerals including vitamins A and C, folate, manganese, molybdenum, potassium, silica, sulfur among others. This summer vegetable belonging to a melon family has natural antioxidant and analgesic properties. All these components and properties of cucumber make it an excellent remedy for skin conditions including sunburn. Cucumber soothes and cools and also repairs your UV rays damaged inflamed skin in the most effective manner.
Ways to Use Cucumber for Sunburn
- Make a paste of cucumber pieces using grinder or blender. Apply this paste to your sunburned skin. Leave for about 20 minutes before washing off.
- Make slices of cucumber and place them all over your burned skin. Leave for about half an hour.
- Make a juice of cucumber and with the help of a washcloth, place a cool compress on your affected areas by soaking the cloth into cucumber juice.
6. Baking Soda for Sunburn
Baking soda is once again a very soothing remedy for sunburn. Just like apple cider vinegar, it balances the pH level or the acid-alkaline balance of your skin promoting faster healing. You can make a cool compress, or have a bath with baking soda in your water. Here are some ways to use this remedy.
Ways to Use Baking Soda for Sunburn
- Add a few tablespoons or a half cup of baking soda to the tub filled with your bath water. Now soak for 15-20 minutes. Too much soaking may lead to the even drier skin so resist that urge. Also, do not use a towel to dry off and let it air dry so that baking soda sits there on your skin.
- Make a compress. Add a few teaspoons of baking soda in a bowl of water. Soak a washcloth and apply this to your sunburn affected area.
As an alternative, you may use cornstarch in place of baking soda.
7. Tea for Sunburn
Tea has tannic acid in it which helps in pulling out the heat from your sunburned skin. Not only this, it also balances the pH level of the skin giving you the much-needed comfort. Tannic acid is nothing but the commercial form of tannins which in turn are a type of polyphenol or a strong antioxidant. They protect your skin from harmful toxins in the environment and repair damaged skin as well as relieve pain. You can use any tea, black or green tea, for sunburn to get the benefits of tannic acid in them. Catechin compounds in green tea also give protection against sun’s harmful radiation.
Ways to Use Tea for Sunburn
- Brew some tea and let it cool down. Soak a clean cloth into the tea and apply to your sunburn affected area.
- Add some tea to your bathwater and soak.
- Wet some tea bags and pat your affected skin area with these tea bags.
8. Potatoes for Sunburn
Potato has many properties one of which is its soothing pain relieving property. The starchy components of potatoes give you relief from stinging sensations that sunburn brings to you.
Ways to Use Potato for Sunburn
- Cut a potato into slices and rub these slices gently on your sunburned skin.
- Cut two potatoes into pieces and grind them to get their paste. Use a little water if needed. Apply this potato paste to the affected area. Let it dry and then wash off.
- You may also tie the potato paste in a clean cloth and apply it like a compress to your sunburn.
- Grate a potato or grind it to get the paste. Now put the grated or pasted potato on a gauze and place the thing on your sunburned skin. You may use a tape to hold the gauze. Repeat 4-5 times a day.
9. Tomatoes for Sunburn
Eating the healthy tomatoes can prevent your skin from getting damaged by UV rays and applying the same to sunburn can heal it. The red juicy vegetable is rich in lycopene, a powerful antioxidant, which seems to grant the much required cooling effect to your burned skin. Not only do tomatoes cool and soothe your burning skin, the vitamins A and C in them help replenish your skin too.
How to Use Tomatoes for Sunburn?
Get this:
- Tomatoes- 2-3
- Yogurt- 1 tbsp
Do this:
- Grind the tomatoes and using a sieve or cloth, extract the juice out of them.
- Add yogurt to the tomato juice.
- Mix well and apply to sunburned skin.
- Leave for 15-20 minutes.
- Wash off.
- Repeat 2-3 times a day.
10. Oatmeal for Sunburn
Oats are a very rich source of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory components. It makes oatmeal a perfect remedy for the itchy sunburned skin. Here is how to use this food to relieve sunburn discomforts.
Ways to Use Oatmeal for Sunburn
- Take 1 cup of oatmeal and grind it in a processor. Add this oatmeal powder to your bathtub and soak in it.
- Take ½ cup of uncooked oats and grind it to make its powder. Add ¼ cup milk and 2-3 tablespoons of honey to this oatmeal powder. Mix well and apply the paste to your sunburned skin. Leave for 15-20 minutes before washing off.
11. Papaya-Honey-Oatmeal Remedy for Sunburn
Along with oatmeal, papaya and honey can do wonders for fast recovery of your sunburned skin. Various healing enzymes in papayas give it properties to heal sunburn and irritated skin. Honey, on the other hand, traps moisture into your skin, so needed for your dry sunburned skin. An enzyme present in honey also repairs your damaged skin.
Get this:
- Papaya (chopped)- 1 cup
- Oatmeal powder- 2tbsp
- Honey- 1 tbsp
Do this:
- If you have uncooked oats, grind them to powder to get 2 tablespoons of it.
- Mash the papaya to get its paste.
- Mix papaya mash, oatmeal powder and honey to make a smooth paste.
- Apply this paste to your sunburn.
- Leave for half an hour.
- Wash off with water.
12. Witch Hazel for Sunburn
Derived from the witch hazel herb, its extract is a fine astringent. As witch hazel is rich in tannins and catechins, it can give you soothing relief from inflammation due to sunburn.
How to Use Witch Hazel for Sunburn
Get this:
- Witch hazel
- Cotton ball or clean cloth
Do this:
- Take the required amount of witch hazel into a bowl.
- Soak the cotton ball or cloth into it.
- Apply this to your sunburned skin.
- Repeat several times a day.
13. Homemade Sunburn Cream
We had been talking about so many things that we can use to get relief from sunburn symptoms. Why not use some of such soothing ingredients to make a sunburn cream right at home. This way, you will get saved from mixing the ingredients everytime you need to apply them to your skin.
Get this:
- Witch hazel- 1 tbsp
- Aloe vera gel- 1 tsp
- Baking soda- 3-4 tsp
- Mint leaves (chopped)- ½ a cup
- Water- 2 tbsp
Do this:
- Mix water, witch hazel and aloe vera gel
- Let it sit for about 2-3 hours.
- Now add baking soda and mint leaves to this mixture.
- Use more baking soda if needed to get the right consistency.
- Mix well and store in a jar.
- Keep the cream in the refrigerator and use when required.
14. Lavender Essential Oil for Sunburn
Essential oils having anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties can soothe your sunburn effectively. One of such oils is lavender oil. Even if you apply lavender oil directly to your skin without diluting with water, it remains safe to use. As lavender possesses tissue regeneration and healing properties, it can relieve sunburn discomforts very fast.
Ways to Use Lavender Oil for Sunburn
- Make a lavender compress- Pour few drops of lavender oil onto a clean damp washcloth. Apply this compress to your sunburn and after a couple of minutes, rub it gently over the area for about 5 minutes. Don’t use it just after having the sunburn. Let the area cool down using water. Only then can you use this remedy.
- Mix a few drops of lavender oil with aloe vera gel and apply to your sunburn.
- Add few drops of lavender oil in a bowl of water to dilute it and soak a cloth. Place this cloth on your sunburned skin.
15. Homemade Sunburn Spray
When it comes to essential oils, lavender oil is not the only one. There are other oils like Helichrysum oil which can also be used for sunburn. It has strong anti-inflammatory properties which makes it just the right oil for sunburn relief. Mixing both the oils with another soothing ingredient aloe vera can give you a cool spray that you can use for getting relief from your burning and itching sunburned skin.
Get this:
- Lavender oil- 2-4 drops
- Helichrysum oil- 1 drop
- Aloe vera gel- ½ tsp
- Water- 2 tbsp
- Dark spray bottle- 1
Do this:
- Mix water, aloe vera gel, and both the oils.
- Store in the spray bottle.
- When you spray on your sunburn, just shake it a little.
16. Lettuce for Sunburn
Lettuce doesn’t only make your salad crunchy and tasty, it can also relieve you of the pain you get from your sunburn. It is one of the medicinal plants that have fine anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. So if your damaged skin is giving you too much pain, open your fridge and get those lettuce leaves to make the soothing decoction.
How to Use lettuce for Sunburn?
- Get some lettuce leaves and wash them properly. The amount will depend upon the area of your sunburned skin.
- Boil the lettuce leaves in water for about 15 minutes.
- Strain and allow the water to cool down.
- Once the lettuce boiled water cools down, soak a washcloth or cotton ball in it.
- Apply this to your sunburn and gently wipe the skin.
- Repeat for multiple times to get relief from pain.
17. Marshmallow for Sunburn
This is one very good herbal remedy for sunburn. The cool, soothing and slippery marshmallow root is a demulcent herb. Its components mucilage, pectin and sucrose make it capable of forming a protective layer like covering which cures inflammation and pain.
How to Use Marshmallow for Sunburn?
- Take a handful of marshmallow root. It taking dried marshmallow root, 2 teaspoons is enough.
- Boil the root in 1-2 cups of water for about 10 minutes.
- Strain and let it cool down.
- Soak a gauze in this water and apply to your sunburn.
Most Common Question And Answers:
Q: How do you know if you have sun poisoning?
Ans: Sun poisoning is a term used to describe a severe case of sunburn. It generally occurs after you have been exposed to ultraviolet radiation from the sun for an extended period of time and it also inflames the skin. Based on your skin sensitivity to the sun, sun poisoning can come in different forms and it requires medical treatment to prevent the complications.
Here are some symptoms that help you in knowing that you’re affected by sun poisoning. Remember that the symptoms of sunburn will appear within a few hours after exposing your skin to sun’s harmful UV rays.
- Skin redness and blistering
- Pain and tingling
- Swelling
- Headache
- Fever and chills
- Nausea
- Dizziness
- Dehydration
- Faintness
- Upset stomach
- Flu like symptoms
- Prickly sensation on the skin
One can be at an increased risk of sun poisoning, if they have fair skin, taking antibiotics or oral contraceptives, genes suffering from skin cancer, applying the citrus oil to the skin prior to sun exposure, using alpha hydroxy acids (or chemical peels), residing in high altitude areas, etc.
Q: How long does it take sunburn to go away? (OR) How many days does sunburn last?
Ans: Forgot to apply sunscreen while going out in the sun and at the end of the day, suffering from sunburn? Then a question raises that how long this sunburn takes to go away? It all depends upon its severity on the skin.
- Mild sunburns (having redness and pain on the affected skin) will last from 3 – 5 days.
- Moderate sunburns (skin become red, swollen, painful and hot to touch) will take about a week to heal completely.
- Severe sunburns (having painful blisters and red skin – need to consult your doctor) will take up to 2 – 3 weeks to recover fully.
Coming to the redness, pain and swelling caused by sunburn, will last for 1 – 2 days or a bit longer which depends on certain factors like fair or light skin, tanning beds, going outside between 10 am to 3 pm, living near the equator places, high altitudes, intake of certain drugs causing susceptible to burns, etc.
Q: Can you get skin cancer from one really bad sunburn?
Ans: Sunburn will cause damage to the DNA in your skin cells and if you get just once every 2 years then it can be triple your risk of melanoma skin cancer. Remember that getting sunburnt doesn’t mean you will definitely develop skin cancer.
Exposure to skin during the peak sun hours (10 am to 3 pm) may cause squamous cell cancer which is believed to cause up to 20% of skin cancer deaths. So, limit the sun exposure to prevent damaging the skin and thereby causing skin cancer.
Q: What are the symptoms of sunburn?
Ans: Sunburn usually appears its symptoms within a few hours after too much exposure to sun’s harmful UV rays. Sunburn signs and symptoms include
- Skin redness or pinkness
- Pain, itching and skin tenderness
- Swelling
- Skin feels warm or hot to touch
- Small fluid-filled blisters
- Headache
- Fever with chills
- Nausea or vomiting
- Fatigue
- Flu
- Skin peeling
Q: What are the symptoms of sunstroke?
Ans: Sunstroke (or Heatstroke) is the most serious form of heat injury which generally occurs when an individual has been too hot for too long either by working or exercising or sitting in a hot environment. It should be considered as an emergency situation and if left untreated then it results in damaging of internal organs and causes fatal.
It occurs when the body loses its ability to maintain proper temperature and becomes dangerously high and it affects anyone of any age. The symptoms of heatstroke includes…
- High body temperature
- Mental changes (confusion, slurred speech, agitation, irritability, coma, delirium, seizures in children, etc.)
- Sweat changes (skin feel hot and dry and may leave it feeling moist)
- Nausea or vomiting
- A headache
- Color changes/flushed skin (skin turns red)
- Breathing problems
- Increased heart rate
Q: How do you get rid of a sunburn fast?
Ans: Sunburn doesn’t only result in the inflamed skin but also causes damage to the skin and overall health. If left untreated then it may lead to dry skin, scars, freckles, wrinkles and even skin cancer. Don’t worry, getting rid of sunburn is not at all difficult and here are some natural remedies that help you in giving relief from all signs and symptoms of sunburn. Let’s have a look at these natural remedies.
- A cold compress or taking cool water shower
- Drink plenty of water to prevent the body from getting dehydration
- Applying aloe vera gel on the sunburn affected areas.
- Apple cider vinegar
- Coconut oil
- Cucumber
- Baking soda
- Used tea bags (cool)
- Potatoes or tomatoes
- Yogurt or honey
- Oatmeal
- Witch hazel
- Lavender essential oil (dilute with water or aloe vera gel before application)
- Lettuce leaves
- Marshmallow root
Q: What is the best ointment for sunburn? (OR) What cream do you use for sunburn?
Ans: Here are some of the best ointments or lotions explained to treat sunburn effectively.
- George’s always active aloe vera gel
- Farmaesthetics cool aloe mist
- Aquanil HC lotion
- Aveeno soothing bath treatment
- Hawaiian tropic cool aloe after sunburn
- Ocean potion aloe after sun lotion
- Burt’s bees aloe and linden flower after sun soother
- Banana boat aloe after sun lotion
- Beyond the coastal aftersun natural moisturizer
- California baby aloe and Amica soothing spray
- Clarin’s ultra-hydrating after sun moisturizer
- Nivea sun moisturizing after sun lotion with aloe vera
- Fruit of the earth aloe vera gel
Q: Is it good or bad to peel your sunburn?
Ans: No, it is not a good idea to peel your sunburn skin. Peeling after sunburn is the body’s natural way of getting rid of damaged cells. The sun damaged cells are at a risk of losing control and thereby results in causing skin cancer. Peeling these whitish flakes is not advised so choose some other alternatives (like taking a lukewarm bath, gentle exfoliation, moisturize, keeping away from the sun, etc.) rather than peeling the coming off skin forcefully by hands why because it results in scarring and infection.
Q: How long does it take for a tan to go away?
Ans: It depends upon the natural skin tone. If you are fair skinned then tan may take 3 – 4 weeks to go away. If you have an olive complexion (neither darker nor lighter) then it may take about 2 – 3 months. Darker the skin color then more will be the tanning and thereby takes more time to fade away naturally.
Q: What happens to your body when you get a sunburn?
Ans: We all know that sunburn is a radiation burn in which the ultraviolet (UV) rays of the sun will damage the DNA in the upper layer of skin cells. UVA and UVB can penetrate into an unprotected skin. UVB penetrates into the epidermis layer (top layer of the skin) whereas UVA goes deeper into the skin.
So the skin cells will start repairing themselves to fix this damage. Too many DNA errors overwhelm the cell and thus cause it to begin to self-destruct to remove cells that can’t be safely replicated. It also causes an immune invasion.
The skin cells on the top layer will produce molecules to attract the immune cells, which in turn causes skin’s blood vessels to leak into the spaces between the cells and other skin structure. This will produce extra fluid which results in turning the skin red, itchy, painful and swelling (immune cell invasion).
Q: Can you get sick from a sunburn? (OR) What is sun sickness?
Ans: Do you know one severe sunburn will double your risk of melanoma (a form of skin cancer)? So, whenever the skin is injured or subjected to infection then our body produce an inflammatory response in defense like to counteract the damage of UV on the skin, the blood vessels in the surrounding tissues dilate and release some chemicals called histamine, prostaglandins, cytokines, bradykinin, etc. which in turn results in a lot of side effects that includes swelling or redness of the skin, fever, chills, nausea, headache, vomiting, flu, blisters on the skin, etc. which makes you feel sick.
Q: What does apple cider vinegar do for sunburn?
Ans: Apple cider vinegar works as an effective remedy to get rid of sunburn. Have a look at why it works and how to use it to cure sunburn.
Why it works:
- The acetic acid and malic acid content in apple cider vinegar will act as anti-inflammatory agents to speed up the healing process and give relief from pain, redness and swelling.
- It exhibits natural antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that help a lot in preventing the infections in the skin tissues which are damaged from sunburn.
- It helps to maintain a balance of natural pH levels of the skin to minimize the peeling and blistering. Also, its rich source of nutrients will replenish and moisture the skin to get faster healing.
How to use ACV for sunburn:
Here are a few ways that make you know how to use this vinegar for treating sunburn.
- Topical application – Dilute a few teaspoons of cider vinegar with an equal quantity of cool water and soak a clean washcloth in this water. Wring and dab it gently on the sunburnt areas.
- Vinegar Spray – Stir equal quantities of apple cider vinegar and cool water and pour it in a spray bottle. Use it to spray on the sunburned areas for a few times daily.
- Vinegar bath – Pour 1 to 2 cups of vinegar in your bathtub filled with cool water. Soak the affected skin areas for about 20 – 30 minutes. Do it daily to get a soothing effect.
- Vinegar with Honey – Mix equal quantities of raw honey and cider vinegar and apply it gently on the sunburned areas. Leave it to dry naturally and rinse off with cool water. Do it once daily.
- Vinegar with Coconut Oil – Combine equal quantities of apple cider vinegar and coconut oil (or olive oil) and apply it on the affected skin areas. Leave for 10 – 15 minutes and rinse off with water.
You can also use baking soda, potato juice, aloe vera gel, etc. to combine with apple cider vinegar and apply it on the skin to get relief from the sunburned skin.
Q: Can you put coconut oil on a sunburn?
Ans: Coconut oil is used as a natural sunblock agent and also used to heal the sunburned areas of the skin effectively. Have a look at why and how to use coconut oil for sunburn.
Why it is used.
- Coconut oil nourishes and moisturizes the irritated skin and thereby reduces the discomforts caused by skin peeling or dryness.
- It not only smoothes the skin but also prevents some lasting damages like tanning, skin darkening, wrinkles, etc.
- The rich content of fatty acids, minerals, vitamins, proteins and other nutrients will help the skin to rejuvenate and heal quickly.
- The antifungal, antimicrobial, antiseptic and skin soothing properties of coconut oil will help to regenerate the skin.
How to use:
- Direct application – You can apply coconut oil directly on the sunburned areas of the skin and massage gently. Leave it like that and repeat the same for 2 – 3 times daily to prevent dryness or irritation caused by sunburn.
- Coconut oil with Aloe vera and Lavender oil – This mix acts as a natural sunscreen lotion. Mix a few drops of lavender oil and aloe vera gel in 1/4 cup of organic coconut oil. Spread this mix on the sunburn and massage gently. Leave for a few minutes and repeat regularly.
- Coconut Oil with Castor oil – Stir 1/2 cup of virgin coconut oil with 1/4 cup each of castor oil, aloe vera gel, apple cider vinegar, 3 – 6 drops of almond oil and 2 tablespoons of vitamin E oil. Apply it on the sunburn and massage gently. Rinse off with water after the mix dry naturally.
- Coconut oil with Essential oils – Mix 6 drops each of peppermint oil and rosehip oil and 5 drops of lavender oil in 1/4 cup of coconut oil. Stir and pour this oil mix in your bathtub filled with cool water. Soak in this water for about 30 minutes to get relief from sunburn.
- Coconut oil for Sunburn itch – Stir 2 to 4 drops of tea tree oil with 2 tablespoons of coconut oil and apply it on the sunburn with a gentle massage. Leave for a few minutes and rinse off with water. Dry the skin to apply aloe vera gel for faster relief.
Note: Avoid applying coconut oil just after you get this sunburn why because this oil will trap the heat inside the skin and thereby make it difficult to heal. So, wait for a day before using this oil the sunburned skin.
Q: Why is aloe vera good for sunburn?
Ans: Aloe vera is a plant with healing power. Most of us know that aloe vera is an excellent remedy for treating burns, including sunburn due to its amazing skin soothing and healing properties. Here is a detailed explanation of why and how to use aloe vera for treating sunburn.
Why it is used.
- Aloe vera is enriched with 150 nutrients and trace elements like calcium, zinc, iron, copper, amino acids, selenium and other enzymes that help for repairing your skin.
- It has a rich source of water content (about 99%) which helps a lot in moisturizing and nourishing the irritated and burned skin and thereby helps for a faster recovery.
- The lidocaine, aloectin B, glycoproteins, polysaccharides in aloe vera helps to relieve the pain, inflammation or burning sensations along with repairing the damaged skin cells and strengthening the immune system.
- It penetrates deep into the skin layers and thereby repairs the skin by reducing the pain, itching and irritation associated with sunburn.
How to use.
- Direct application – Take an aloe vera leaf and scoop out its gel. Apply it on the sunburned skin and massage gently. Leave it to dry naturally and rinse off with cool water. Repeat 2 – 3 times daily.
- Aloe vera moisturizing sunburn gel – Mix 2 tablespoons of coconut oil and 3 drops of lavender oil in 3 – 4 tablespoons of fresh aloe vera gel. Stir well and apply it on the sunburn areas. Leave it without rinsing and reapply for 2 – 3 times daily.
- Aloe Vera sunburn spray – Pour 2 inches of water to a pot placed on medium heat. Put 1/2 cup of aloe vera juice and 1/8 cup of coconut oil in a jar which is placed in the pot. Stir till liquefy and then remove it to add 10 drops each of peppermint and lavender essential oils. Pour this mix into a spray bottle and use it to spray on the affected areas.
- Aloe vera with Cucumber – Peel and chop a cucumber and blend it well with aloe vera gel. Apply on sunburned skin and rinse with cool water after 30 minutes.
Also, you can mix vitamin E oil, yogurt, some essential oils, apple cider vinegar, turmeric, etc. in aloe vera gel before applying on the sunburned areas to get relief from the sunburn.
Q: How long does a sunburn blister take to heal?
Ans: Sunburn blisters will appear after a severe attack of sunburn on the skin and these are extremely painful. It appears several hours to a day after the initial exposure to sun harmful UV rays. It may take at least a week for the blisters to fade whereas the pain and discomfort will last from 7 to 48 hours after exposure. There is a change to leave darker or lighter spots on the skin after they heal which can last for about 6 – 8 months, depends on the severity and quantity of these blisters.
Q: How do I remove a tan?
Ans: Skin tanning is one thing that puts you in a dilemma that whether to go out or not in summers. Don’t worry and enjoy your summer as you wish but follow some simple tips and remedies to get rid of tan.
Here are few remedies that help you to give instant relief from sun tan.
- Lemon juice
- The combination of cucumber extract, lemon juice and rose water
- Turmeric and gram flour
- Aloe vera gel
- Ripe papaya and honey
- Oatmeal with buttermilk
- Yogurt with orange juice (or tomato extract)
- Potato juice
- Sandalwood paste
- Raw milk with turmeric
- Ice cubes
- Almond oil or other natural oils
- Fresh cream and saffron
- Lemon with sugar
- Coconut milk
- Green tea
Other than these remedies, you have to apply sunscreen to your skin before stepping out and also take proper care on your skin and avoid stepping out in between 11 am to 3 pm in which the intensity of sun UV rays are high.
Q: Is it good to moisturize sunburned skin?
Ans: Yes, it’s always a good idea to moisturize your sunburn skin to reduce the irritation, swelling, pain and other discomforts. For best and quick results, use aloe vera (or humectants) based moisturizers to soothe the sunburned skin but make sure that not to use creams or lotions that have petroleum, benzocaine or lidocaine why because petroleum trap the heat in the skin and other two ingredients will bother and irritate your skin.
Q: What are the risks of having a swollen ankle after a sunburn?
Ans: Suffering from swollen ankle after a sunburn means it may be due to an inflammatory reaction of the skin while trying to heal the problem. Here the capillaries in the area dilate and become leaky which in turn causes localized oedema and swelling that resolves on its own over time. So, consult your doctor as soon as possible to get rid of this problem.
Although, skin cancer is one most obvious risk of sunburned feet, here are some signs and symptoms of skin cancer lesion on your feet.
- Bleeding
- Change in your skin color
- Asymmetrical shape
- Itching and swelling
- Formation of blisters
- Toenail bruise that won’t grow out with the nail
- Hot to touch the feet
Q: Can Vaseline be used to treat a sunburn? (OR) Is petroleum jelly good for treating a sunburn?
Ans: No, Vaseline or any petroleum products won’t work for treating sunburn. However, the Vaseline used to treat mild burn by simply moisturizing the area but it is not recommended to treat sunburn. Also, it is not used as a first aid why because grease should not be applied to a fresh burn, as it promotes bacterial proliferation on the surface of the wound and thus results in infection.
Q: How to prevent swollen feet after sunburn?
Ans: Prolonged exposure to UV rays will lead to severe swelling caused by sunburns. Here are some tips that help you to prevent swollen feet after the attack of sunburn.
- You can apply some natural moisturizers to keep your skin hydrated and drink plenty of water to treat your swollen feet after a sunburn.
- Sleep with your legs slightly proper to help improve drainage.
- Take some anti-inflammatory medicines like ibuprofen.
- Apply some topical steroidal creams that contain 1% hydrocortisone cream.
- Avoid any further exposure to UV rays and apply sunscreen before stepping out in sun.
- Wear comfortable shoes and socks to prevent your legs from further damage.
good skin health.thankyuu…i like it…
it is very useful and get healthy
i like the cold wash cloth one i feel better all ready
Very useful, thanks! The apple cidar vinegar really cools the burn.
That's great 🙂
Yes, ACV is very effective
which one is better that gets it away with out peeling
Im so happy to read about the ACV treatment. That was a huge relief. It no longer stings.
Yes, it worked a lot for me-even with a barly damp shirt and no cocnut oil.
How long did it take to work? I have a horrible burn and can barely move my arms. It's been about an hour since my husband sprayed this on me and no relief yet
Been using aloe Vera and cool baths but decided to use coconut oil last night before bed. The redness is way lighter and my legs feel so much better.